RIDWEED 480SL is a nonselective post-emergence foliar herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grasses
and broad-leaved weeds in various crops under reduced/zero tillage, in forest, aquatic and industrial weed control.
Recommended for use in maize, wheat, sugarcane, tea, coffee etc.
RIDWEED 480SL contains glyphospate 360g/l – equivalent to 480 g/l isopropylamine salt of N- (phosphonomethly)
Mode of action:
RIDWEED 480SL is a post-emergence foliar acting herbicide that is absorbed through green leaves and stems and
translocated from treated vegetation to underground roots, rhizomes or stolons of weeds. Visible effects on treated
weeds appear within 7-14 days after spraying; a gradual wilting of, reddening and then yellowing of the foliage, first
seen on grass weeds but takes longer to appear on broad-leaved weeds.
For best results its essential the weed have full emergency of healthy, actively growing green leaves at the time of
application. Re-growth of fresh germination of difficult to control weeds may have to be re-sprayed.
NB: Allow at least one week for translocation of RIDWEED 360SL before any cultivation takes place for perennials
and once for annuals.
Weather conditions:
Rain-free periods of at least 6 hours must follow spraying. Do not spray into very wet weed or weed suffering from
drought stress as reduced control may occur. Do not spray into windy conditionals drift on to desirable vegetation
can cause severe injury destruction.
Application methods:
RIDWEED 480SL may be used for overall application or in spot treatment. Low volume techniques – it is recommended
to spray with low volume 0f 70 to 100 l/ ha for improved efficacy. Being a systemic product it does not require coverage
of the entire plant service. Apply post emergent to vigorously growing weeds directly onto the foliage and immature barks.
Recommended application rates
Type of weed | Rate/ha | Ml in 20l of water
Annual weeds | 1 – 21 | 200 – 300 ml
Perennial grasses,Perennial
broad –leaved weeds
3- 41
300-400 ml
Perennial grasses eg. Couch
Grass (Digitaria spp) sedges (Cyperus rodudus)
3 – 61
300 – 600 ml
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